Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Early Adopters

Just saw the retail price of the soon to be released Fuji x100 camera that I have been pining for in the last few posts. $1200.00 yikes. It's a beautiful piece of equipment but let me now explain why I titled this post 'early adopters'. Back in the day, I was working on the airplane and came across this guy listening through headphones to something that was coming out of a small box. After a query as to what the heck is that, he said it plays cassette tapes. Revolutionary! Being a music guy I knew I had to have one of these new-fangled contraptions...and one for the wife. So I marched down to my local 'Crazy Eddies' (New Yorkers will know) and bought two at two hundred dollars a pop. Very cool. Until the next year when they were making them out of plastic and you could get one for 15 dollars. Lesson (mostly) learned. So now this camera. I think I will let the dust settle while I let good friends take the first leap.


  1. Hey Cuz, welcome back! Yes, I was getting tired of that dang sandwich picture!! Really looking forward to seeing you out here in the CA desert soon. Travel safe, and bring your camera gear and hiking shoes :-)

  2. I hear ya on waiting....remember Beta? What do we do with all the DVD's? Man In Black still has his eight track tapes.....the kids think we were born in the stone ages:)

