Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Checking schedules at the GE station, hoping more than freights are coming

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Well, an epiphany, of sorts, today. I've been thinking about photography and how I feel about it. For 40 plus years whenever I'm out shooting all I can think about is, is this commercial, will it sell. So, I've gotten to the point where I'm frozen as a photographer. My camera sits at home because I think I haven't the time to look for the "perfect shot". I'm going to jump out of that box and try to have my camera pretty much wherever I go and post my life, what I see, through my camera lens. And now, off we go-

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring has finally arrived!

Well... a bit of warmth has finally arrived and a few green shoots have popped up. The tram starts back up on April 12 and I'm driving and interpreting the first tour. I've been looking at some arboretum history that I'm thinking of using this year.
